Thursday, May 20, 2010

माजी खेळाडू, मातंग, मुंबई मॅरॅथॉन पारधी मुली-मुले

A note by Aparna Popat, a gold-medalist in Badminton, now at IOC

The career of a sportsperson is uncertain and very finite and it is considered prudent for them to seek out a job while they are performing well in the sport.

Also , unfortunately in India, a sportsperson can seldom pursue a higher education along with his sporting career, Hence, at the time of retirement, he is left with only a basic graduation degree at the most,  which, considering today’s scenario, is not sufficient to make a decent living.

Considering the glory they have enjoyed and brouht to nation and their stature of a sportsperson, after having played and won laurels at national and international level, they would prefer not to start a career in an organization at the lowest rung of the pyramid.

The earnings of a sportsperson in most sports (barring cricket) at the end of his career does not ensure financial security. In order to support his family, sportspersons require a secured job. In a manner of speaking, this becomes a second career after the sports career is over.

In the 1970s, organizations such as Railways, Air India and a few Banks offered employment to sportspersons. Then around 1985-86, the government passed a mandate for the recruitment of sportspersons in petroleum companies.

Due to this initiative of the government, of the 167 medals won at the Commonwealth Games and Asian Games held in 2010, 85 medals were won by sportspersons employed by Public Sector Undertakings i.e. over 50% of the medals.

Current Scenario

Each PSU / government organization has their own terms and conditions for recruitment of sportspersons. Initially, Indian Railways and Banks were the most sought after organizations and boasted of almost all the top Indian sportspersons. Over the years, petroleum companies, Air India, Food Corporation of India, Life Insurance Corporation etc. opened up the gates for recruitment.

Approximately over 750 sportspersons are employed or contracted with these government / PSU organizations in sports such as archery, athletics, basketball, badminton, billiards & snooker, boxing, carrom, chess, cricket, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, kabbadi, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, wrestling etc.

Once they join, the sportspersons then represent the organization at various sports meets like the Public Sector Sports Events, Inter-Petroleum Events, Inter-Bank Events, Inter-Railways and so on. Also, at various national and international events, the sportspersons don the logo of the company and project the name of the organization at press events.

Though it is a great initiative on part of the PSUs where the sportsperson is guaranteed a secure job, the reality for the sports stream is a little different.

Once the sportsperson completes competing actively i.e. when he is de-categorized from the sports category, his job profile within the organization changes, it  seldom remains   connected to sports. Essentially, what this means is, that he is distanced from the sports stream. Working full time leaves him with little or no time to give back to the sport.

This is a colosal waste, considering that a large number of talented and accomplished sportspersons are employed in PSUs. If our top sportspersons do not share their experience and expertise with the up-coming sportsperson and impressionable youth, India will continue to lose on the sports front. As it is said, it is wise to learn from mistakes but it is wiser to learn from mistakes of others. Therefore, it is imperative that our top sportspersons be given the opportunity to be engaged with sport after active sports career.

Also, due to the frustration of being kept away from the sports stream, an increasing number of sportspersons are resigning from organizations in order to pursue a career in sports. This is unfortunate as the organization has invested in these sportspersons over many years and are unable to cash in on that investment.

Options for Sportspersons

There are many ways a sportsperson could give back to the sport. The following are some avenues:
Coaching / Physical Education
Talent Scouting
Administration (in state / national sports federations and academies)
Being on various government / federation and selection committees
Media – commentary, print, television etc.
Mentoring and Psychology
Higher Studies in sports related streams
CSR / Social Work using sport as a medium
Sports Management and Marketing

Using sportspersons in these streams would yield the following benefits:

Creation of a system wherein the sportsperson of the country can be channelized by giving back to the country in contributing different aspects of sports (like in China, Australia etc.)
Encourage youngsters to take up sports as a career
Upcoming sportspersons can gain from experience and expertise of top sportspersons
This would enhance medal winning chances in international competitions
Sports associations can have due representation of sportspersons
Sportspersons would have an opportunity to be engaged and give back to the sport
The companies could use this exercise as brand building / public relations / CSR
This would reduce the number of resignations of sportspersons at PSUs


A few suggestions for the implementation:

A cap on the number of days of leave may be ascertained for sports assignments in a given year (depending on the assignment) and time-off from office for certain sports assignments with prior permission
The sportspersons may be sent on deputation to coaching academies / state and national sports federations
Sportspersons may be treated on parameters which are different from regular officers. A separate policy may be framed with guidelines on posting, transfers, performance evaluations, promotions etc.
The posting of sportspersons may be according to the sporting activity in the area of posting
A sports cell may be formed in the organization where these sportspersons could be posted. The strength of the sports cell could be 1:10 i.e. 1 officer per 10 sportspersons recruited in the organization OR an officer for each of the sports where the organization fields a team.
A sports academy may be set up or coaching sessions may be organized by these organizations using their existing infrastructure and using these sportspersons for the same.
The sportspersons should be made to use sports for CSR activities of the organization.
The role of the Sports Promotion Boards of the Public Sector, Petroleum, Railways etc. could be enhanced.

All India Public Sector Sports Promotion Board

All India Public Sector Sports Promotion Board (AIPSSPB) is the apex body for conducting sports activities amongst Public Sector Undertakings. Leading Public Sector Undertakings like ONGC, Indian Oil, BPCL, Oil India, FCI, Life Insurance Corporation of India, BSNL, Air India, Airports Authority of India, who actively promote sports are members. In all, about 26 organizations are members of the AIPSSPB.

Member Organizations conduct All India Public Sector Tournaments in Cricket, Football, Badminton, Chess, Carrom, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Athletics, Hockey, Kabaddi on behalf of the AIPSSPB. These tournaments are organized annually on the basis of calendar finalized in the Annual General Meeting. An award function is also held on the day of the AGM in which the 3 best performing undertakings in AIPSSPB tournaments are awarded prizes.


Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB) is the apex body for conducting sports activities amongst the member organizations in the oil industry. Leading organizations including ONGC, Indian Oil, BPCL, Oil India, HPCL, actively promote sports. In all, about 13 organizations are members of the PSPB.

Member Organizations conduct PSPB Inter Unit Tournaments in 16 disciplines including Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Billiards & Snooker, Bridge, Carrom, Chess, Cricket, Football, Golf, Hockey, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball and Veteran Cricket on behalf of the PSPB. These tournaments are organized annually on the basis of calendar finalized in the Annual General Meeting of PSPB.. An annual award function is also held by PSPB in which the 3 best performing member organizations in PSPB tournaments are awarded prizes after computing their aggregate points. Majority of the top sportspersons in various disciplines are from the Petroleum industry.

Proposal for Secretary, Tribal Welfare GoI

In view of the appointment given by Hon’ble President, the group headed  by Shri Dilip Rao Agale, representing the Matang Samaj of Maharashtra, the following issues/proposals are submitted for kind consideration.


The Matang Samaj of Maharashtra has its presence in almost every village but, it has not been able to derive reasonable benefits of the overall development and progress happening in the country due to a variety of reasons.  Education has not reached them.  It is estimated that:
(a)20% children do not get enrolled in schools ;
(b)Another 60% children drop out before Std.V;
(c)About 15% children drop out before reaching Std.X;
(d)Only less than 5% children reach upto graduation.

Broadly the Maang, Matang, Dombari, Maang-Garudi and such other communities do not possess Ration Cards and thus their absence from Schools is not easily noticed.  Hence, the general education programmes do not create any sizeable impact on their conditions.

We therefore, propose some mini and mega schemes as below:
I.For Sports education and encouragement;
II.For Vocational and Skill education;
III.Program for Women;
IV.For Folk and Theatre education and
V.General education.

I.Sports Education and Encouragement:
The children from these communities are found to possess good skills for athletics, gymnastics and are good at running.  Similar skill exists among the children of Paradhi, and a few Tribal communities.

(a) Vastad Lahuji Salve Sports Scholarship:  A Pilot Project for first year in 10 districts and a regular project for next five years in all districts is proposed at Annexure-I.

Under Pilot project, Scholarships will be given to 40 children (20 girls and 20 boys) per year/district at a cost of Rs.5.00 lakhs per district.  The children will be selected solely on the criterion of their potential to excel in Athletics, gymnastics and Malkhamb, irrespective of the educational standards and will be attached to renowned Talim or Vyayamshala. A stipend at the rate of Rs.2,000/- per month will be utilized for payment to the Talim and towards nutritional diet and contingent expenses of the child.
- 2 -

(b) Opportunity to run in the Mumbai Marathon
In view of their skill in running, they may be sponsored. from out of 10 selected districts of Maharashtra (2 girls and 2 boys per district) to participate in the ensuing Mumbai Marathon event.  The Secretary, Department of Tribal and the Secretary, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment can be asked to frame suitable sponsorship schemes.

II.  Vocational and Skill Education:

The above communities have production-skills which are basically related to rural life-style and which were acquired as a community skill.  Some of these traditional skills have become redundant in view of industrial production.  Hence, newer skills have to be introduced.  Generally, the Department of Vocational Education under the Ministry of HRD and a number of agencies working under the other ministries have  programs to impart skills. Department of HRD, Department of Labour, Department of Industries and Commerce and Department of Women and Child Development, all have some programs for vocational training.

Such skill education has to result in gainful entrepreneurship-- mostly in the tiny and cottage sector.  However, the entrepreneurship necessarily requires --
(i)Technical skill;
(ii)Managerial skill,
(iii)Marketing skill,
(iv)Finance-management skill (dealing with Banks, loan proposals etc.).

The present vocational Training courses do not include the non- technical but, essential training components.  Hon’ble President’s office may initiate a series of brain-storming sessions to tackle this issue with specific reference to the Matang Samaj of Maharashtra.

III.  Programme for Women:

One  issue related to the above is discussed here.  It is pertinent that the traditional Devadasi system prevails largely in the Maang and Matang community in Maharashtra, for reasons of poverty.  In a specific instance, nearly 150 Devadasis of Kolhapur and Sangli districtgs were given the benefit of a “Devadasi Economic Rehabilitation Programme” taken up by WMDC (Western Maharashtra Development Corporation), Pune, from 1985 to 1989, under the leadership of the then Chairman Shri Ulhas Pawar. The training-cum production center of WMDC is located at Gadhinglaj (dist. Kolhapur). The programme has been left without any attention. as WMDC proposes to hand it over to MAVIM (Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal). However, specific yearly funds need  to be allocated to MAVIM for the next five years for reviving the above program. It is also important to monitor the implementation through a committee which may have members such as Shri Ulhas Pawar, Shri Dilip Rao Agale, Shri Baba Adhav (A social activist from Pune) and Shri Vittal Banne (Another social activist and Ex-MLA from Gadhinglaj), Many beneficiaries of the above mentioned program are still continuing their vocational activities at a much reduced scale in the vicinity of this training centre.  At least 50% of them belong to Maang-Matang community.

IV  .Folk and Theatre Education:

The Maang-Matang community is also known for their skills in Folk Theatre including music, dance, drama and instruments playing.  Smt.  Vithabai Narayangaokar, a talented Lavni dancer from this community also had an occasion to receive felicitation at the hands of the then Hon’ble President of India Shri R. Venkataraman.  The Govt. of Maharashtra can establish an Academy of Folk Theatre in her name or may partly fund some group or trust who is dedicated to such cause.

So also the Vithabai Narayangaokar Folk Dance Awards which were given by Govt. of Maharashtra only for one year, may be institutionalized as a yearly event so as to encourage the skills from this community.

As an alternative, Artists from this community may be allowed special grant-in-aid for preparing for the participation in some of the Folk dance events organized these days on private TV channels.

V.  General Education:

Considering that the benefits of general education has not reached the Maang-Matang community in a respectable proportion, there appears to be need for special monitoring of the General Education Schemes and their impact on  this community. The same is more true for the girl children  Special scholarships can be institutionalized for ptomoting schooling. At the same time, more facilities for distant learning and flexi-learning are needed.



Scheme Details:   of One unit consisting of One district for one year at a cost of Rs.5.00 lakhs are described here --

(a) The Collector will select five Talims or Vyayamshalas of his district for this purpose and for a preliminary meeting with them to ascertain the monitoring details and criteria for success.

(b) The District Sports Officer will select suitable girls and boys from the communities of Maang-Matang, Garudi, Dombari, Paradhi, Darveshi, and Nandibailwale (the nomadic Tribes) to be affiliated to these Talims.

© A batch of 2 girls and 2 boys will be attached with the Talim for a rigorous training of 5 months in sports such as Malkhamb, Gymnastics and Athletics.  They will be met with the following expenses.

1.  Nutritional food per child/month =   Rs.800/-
2.  Contingent expenses per child/month        =   Rs.300/-
3.   Fees and service charges for Talim
       @ Rs.900/- per child/month =   Rs.900/-
 4.      Total per child/month =   Rs.2,000/-

5.     Total for a batch of 4 children
         and 5 months Rs.2000X4X5                  =   Rs.40,000/-

 6.   Therefore, for 2 batches of 5 months duration in a year,
the expenses will be                              =  Rs.80,000/-

  7.   Expenses for 5 such Talims per district   = Rs.4,00,000/-

8.Funds to be kept with the Collector for
organizing any events to promote the above
activities, including competitions, and expenses
of judges of the competition, survey reports
promotional awards, public awareness, etc.   = Rs.1,00,000/-
Thus fund requirement for 1 district               = Rs 5,00,000/-

For the first year, this activity can be taken up on a pilot basis in 10 districts at a cost of Rs.50 lakhs.

For all the 36 districts of Maharashtra per year  = Rs.1,80,00,000/-
for five years.                                                      = Rs. 9,00,00,000/-

I am not inclined yet to suggest any "Duty towards Nation" which is something very big. But i want to suggest smaller steps. For example, can we work to ensure that coming Mumbai marathon, there should be at least 10 men and 10 women participants from the pardhi community of Maharashtra, which is a highly poverty stricken, illiterate, dubbed by British as criminal community, but excellent runners. They have a higher population in solapur, Beed, Parbhani, Sangli, and Usmanabad district. Those who can work on this may form a group and we can make it happen.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yes to Harmony, No to Terrorism

This post "10th May : The day of intense call for the first freedom fight!" on the facebook at!/profile.php?id=100000925112557&v=wall
--by a group "DUTY TOWARDS NATION"
to which I am invited and have joined
by Shashi Pawar prompted me to write this --

shashi , I have joined your group and agree with many sentiments, but would urge all to remember the contributions of ASHFAK ULLA ( close friend of Ramprasa Bismil -- who was a staunch hindu but more staunch Indian and author of the much revered song Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ..), hAWALDAR ABDUL HAMID ..( who became a martyr on the battle front, fighting against Pakistan) Mughal King Humayun (whom Karnavati the Queen of Chittod sent a Rakhi and who came to protect chittod against the attack of bahadur shah). Even Razia Patel of Pune who is fighting against suffocating fatwas against women. We need harmony alongwith pride in being Indian. Surrender to terrorism -- a big NO but efforts for harmony, and amity -YES.
I have just started a blog Jinhe Naaz Hai Hind Par Wo Aa Jayen. Let us come together and work for it. Jay Hind.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Received email from Subodhkumar Narayan Phadke
on 11 may 2010
Some very highly startling revelations have been made in the media in last few days where allegations of very serious nature have come up. In the center of all this turmoil is a person named Ms Nira Radia.
What have created the storm are some documents and taped conversations. The documents include the so-called letters written by Sri Vineet Agrawal, a B Tech from IIT Delhi and an IPS officer of Maharashtra Cadre, 1994 batch to Sri Milap Jain, a very senior IRS officer and currently the Director General of Investigation in New Delhi. Sri Agrawal presumably wrote this letter while he was DIG of Anti-corruption Branch in CBI at New Delhi. From the contents of a letter circulating widely on Internet, it seems that the case No RC DAI 2009 A /0045 relates to section 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) of Prevention of Corruption Act in which allegations as regards criminal conspiracy between certain public authorities and private persons in the grant of UAS licences related with the Ministry of Telecommunications in the year 2007-08 are being investigated. As per this letter dated 16/09/2009, Sri Agarwal mentions that one Ms Nira Radia of Noesis Consultancy was actively involved in this criminal conspiracy.
The names involved in the case include a Cabinet minister and a State minister and a few bureaucrats, These are the varieties that do not make any special impact on any person’s mind because scam after scam many of these groups have lost so much of their shine. But there are at least three names that clearly rattle us and make us both shiver and shriek. They are the names of Mr Ratan Tata, Mr Vir Sanghvi and Ms Barkha Dutt. None of them need any introduction in India. They are among the top persons in their profession. But more importantly they are also the symbol of highest ethical values. They are the role models. They are not ordinary fellows like me and you for whom “sab kuch chalta hai”. They have been known as being non-compromising tall figures in the world of selfish pygmies.
And yet sadly all three of them are being named in these correspondences as tainted hands. The documents that are in circulation as Top Secret ones have the names of Mr Ratan Tata, Mr Saghvi and Ms Barkha scattered all. It says- “On Mrs Radia’s and Kanimozhi’s behalf Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi were negotiating for ministerial birth”. Again it says- “There is a big conversation between Mr Ratan Tata and Mrs Radia which establishes that Mr Tata wanted to prevent Dayanidhi Maran from Telecom Minister at any cost.”
I am sure that the entire nation would be interested in knowing the real facts in this case. It is either that these documents are reports in circulation are absolutely false and fake or they are true. In either case, it would be appropriate if the truth is brought forth and everyone comes to know of the real facts. Many of us, who have been the fans and followers of Mr Ratan Tata, Ms Barkha and Mr Vir Sanghvi are all the more concerned to know where exactly the truth lies. A Nation needs heroes and playing with such hero’s reputation and heroism is a heinous crime.
But on the contrary, if these facts are correct and what Sri Vineet Agrawal’s so-called documents state are true then appropriate justice must be done at all costs.
Not everyone would be knowing that Mr Agrawal is the author of a book “Romance of a Naxalite” about his stay in Gadchiroli district, a Naxal infested district in Maharashtra. His romance with destiny might have begun now.
And now the National RTI Forum is also doing its bit by asking for veracity and truth about the above mentioned documents thru the provisions of the RTI Act.
Amitabh Thakur,
National RTI Forum,
# 94155-34526