Friday, April 22, 2016
Perfection Vs Optimisation
RM mails
Most choices we face in life are not between a "good" and a "bad" option. Often, there is no good choice available. In fact, most of the time one can find flaws in every available option. The choice must be a pragmatic one, among those that are available in a given situation.
It is important to be able to choose among the "bad" choices available, or one might say, among the sub-optimal options before us. Some choices are worse than others. I find too often that individuals are quick to reject every available choice, citing valid reasons for each rejection, and they become frozen in their problem-solving. Life is not about making good choices. Life is about the optimization of outcome based on the context one faces. BD explains how/why dharma is context-sensitive, and hence pragmatic.
For instance, when I am writing, I must choose between expediency and perfection. There is no end to perfection one might strive for, and the more reviews of drafts and feedback I go one soliciting, the better the quality becomes. But then I also go on losing time and the potential window to make impact. Yet, when people find inconsequential errors, they love to shout "gotcha", as if this is some kind of fatal error. In hindsight, I wish I has published my UTurn and digestion multiple volumes many years back even though they are in an imperfect state, because the impact these will bring is so huge. I regret delaying in order to achieve perfection for the sake of being able to defend my work on pedantic issues.
I must also choose between one type of target reader and another. What works best for casual readers will not suffice for game changing impact at a deep level. Conversely, a long-term impact book will not easily be read by the masses.
So how is one to decide what to optimize, and in which context? My overall principles for optimization must be anchored in my sva-dharma. My personal sva-dharma is something nobody here knows fully. Hence, all sorts of advice I get is often foolish and counter productive. How do these over-opinionated people know what I want to optimize and why? Have they had prior experience doing what they advise me to do, and if not, why should I bother listening to every wise-ass that comes along? If they are so smart, why do they not get out of their comfort zones and do something, get the experience, become accountable, and then pontificate?
Aditi recently quoted Donald Rumsfeld saying that we must fight a war with the army we got, not the army we wish we had. This is a very sharp statement of what Americans call pragmaticism. (My unpublished book on the Buddhist influences on the West (now a draft of 1,000 pages), shows that the philosophy of pragmaticism attributed to Charles Pierce and William James was in fact borrowed by them from Buddhism. Ironically, that book will wait for another day, because of my failure to have published it years back when I could have, in order to try and "perfect" it!) In other words, dharma is very pragmatic. Roddam Narasimha shows this pragmatism in many areas of Indian thought - calling it heuristic thinking of the very sophisticated kind.
Unfortunately, many of our traditional scholars have got stuck in narrow silos of pedantic and petty level thinking. They have lost sight of the big picture. Westerners control the big picture. They have squeezed Indians to find comfort in tiny roles, gleefully making trivial points. This is the Indological equivalent of coolie work. Refer to my 4-tier model in a previous thread, and this is level/tier-4 work where some scholar points out isolated/fragmented issues here and there. To be a macro-level optimizer one must be a strategic mind.
IKs must learn to study the multiple levels of a situation. Figure out what matters most, where the priorities are. What can be compromised and what should not. Be open to tactical alignments even with opponents (just as in forming a coalition government, or in foreign alliances, or in business joint ventures). This is why memory-based information lacks common sense. How many traditional scholars can you name who have adequate experience of the kurukshetra of today, detailed knowledge of the top players today, insights into the inner workings of institutional mechanisms? How many of them can successfully apply their old knowledge to address real-world problem solving for today? How many even know what the cutting edge issues are right now?
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
caste system--Kevin Hobson
The Indian caste system, British ethnographic mapping, and the construction of the British census in India – Kevin Hobson
“What the British failed to realize was that Hindus existed in a different cosmological frame than did the British. The concern of the true Hindu was not his ranking economically within society but rather his ability to regenerate on a higher plane of existence during each successive life. Perhaps the plainest verbalization of this attitude was stated by a 20th century Hindu of one of the lower castes who stated: “Everything lies in the hands of God. We hope to go to the top, but our Karma (Action) binds us to this level.” If not for the concept of reincarnation, this would be a totally fatalistic attitude but if one takes into account the notion that one’s present life is simply one of many, then this fatalistic component is limited if not eliminated. Therefore, for the Hindu, acceptance of present status and the taking of ritual actions to improve status in the next life is not terribly different in theory to the attitudes of the poor in western society. The aim of the poor in the west is to improve their lot in the space of a single life time. The aim of the lower castes in India is to improve their position over the space of many lifetimes. It should also be borne in mind that an entire caste could rise through the use of conquest or through service to rulers.Thus, it may be seen that within traditional Indian society the caste system was not static either within the material or metaphysical plane of existence. With the introduction of European and particularly British systems to India, the caste system began to modify.”
Those Sudras who were carrying human excreta is considered untouchable because they were doing the most dirtiest job in the world. It is Muslims and British who are responsible for the plight of the scavengers and other menials. The British constructed service toilets in their colonies and used Indians to carry human excreta. Despite the fact that Septic tank was invented in France in 1860, the British made no effort to convert the service toilets to septic tank. This conversion work started only after Independence(Transfer of Power) in 1947. Full details can be obtained from the book “Present Dalit (Scavengers) Situation in India” by Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak*(sent as attachment).
There are no significant cases of human genocide or atrocities committed by the so-called upper class Hindus against the so-called lower castes. Some stray incidences of sexual harassment and exploitations against Dalit families are reported in some villages over the last 60 years. This number is very negligible as compared to the genocide committed by Christians, Muslims and Marxists in the 20th century .
Sri. Kalavai Venkat has presented certain conclusions which are startlingly different from what the HAF arrived at even after allowing for variances between the reporting years.
| |
Total # of cases reported
Total # of cases disposed
# of cases disposed relating to atrocities committed against SC/ST
% of crimes committed against SC/ST (based on disposed cases)
% of crimes committed against other castes (based on disposed cases)
% of SC/ST population out of total population
Per capita crime rate against SC/ST
Per capita crime rate against other castes
In other words, based on data available from NHRC, in 2004-2005, 14 times more crimes were committed against non-SC/ST individuals than was committed against SC/ST individuals. In 2006-2007, 16 times more crimes were committed against non-SC/ST individuals than against SC/ST people.
| |
Total # of crimes committed
# of crimes committed against SC/ST (according to the HAF report)
% of crimes committed against SC/ST
% of crimes committed against other
% of SC/ST population out of total population
Per capita crime rate against SC/ST
Per capita crime rate against other castes
Lot of social changes had taken place during Gandhi ji’s period and after Independence. Unlike Christians, Muslims and Communists, we Hindus never use force to establish our superiority in the world. About 98 % of the Hindus have no idea about Varnas, as explained in the Vedas. The remaining 2% does not know t how to explain the real purpose of Varnas to the present younger generation. So we made an attempt to compare Varnas to the present day division of labour. Today we have two types of labour in industries. One is called organized sector and other is unorganized sector. Since there were no major industries in olden days everybody worked like unorganized sector. During British rule organized sector of labour was found in Railways, cotton mills, jute mills, power generating stations, and was established for their convenience of the British for their policy implementation. Ordinary Indians were not allowed to travel in the 1st class compartments in those days. Separate Colonies were constructed in all the Industrial units for the British officers, supervisors, clerical staffs and workers with club facilities for recreation to maintain separate identities according to the type of work to avoid labour problem. Thus in every Railway, one can find ‘Babu Block’, ‘Foremen Colony’ and ‘Officers’ Colony’. Was it not a kind of discrimination? When the master is showing discrimination, automatically it will spread to the rank and file. It is an undisputed fact that no country or industry can survive without the division of labour. During the British rule, a fitter or Khalasi(sweeper) had to work in the same post till his retirement, because there was no channel/avenue of promotion. Even after retirement, the person used to be identified as fitter or Khalasi. Similarly a soldier/jawan /fauji in the Army is known as such in his native village. The same thing happened in Indian caste system. There was no channel / avenue to change their trade or profession till Independence. In order to safe guard the livelihood, they started to form separate societies and marriages were conducted within the members of the particular society to avoid infiltrations from other castes. For example, in Kerala there is a society of people called Ambalavasis.(laborers of the temple). Among the Ambalavasis, there is division of labor such as Warrier, Nambiar and Marar depending upon the type of work they perform. They have to do all types of jobs including sweeping, washing, cleaning of utensils and making flower garlands for the Deities and decoration of the temples. The Nambiars were temple artistes. The Marars play the musical instruments. As remuneration they get free food, dress and accommodation near the temple because they have to be in the temple very early in the morning. Since they were connected with temple up- keep their status was just below the Brahmins. Every temple had lots of lands, donated by the Royals. Gradually, many social changes took place in majority of the Hindu communities in Independent India. Thus all these communities have diversified into various fields. Our late President K.R. Narayanan was a harijan, whose family’s profession was plucking coconuts from the tree. The present Chief Minister of Kerala, V.S .Achuthanandan belongs to Ezhava caste and his family profession was meshing coir to make ropes . He studied only up to Class VIII. Similarly many Dalits were able to occupy very high posts/positions in life. Chief Minister of UP Mayavati ,the late Jagjivan Ram, his daughter Meira Kumar, ex- C J of SC, K.G. Balakrishnan are some of the persons of Dalit origin to ascend high positions. We should tell the world of our achievements A Doctor who is running a hospital would want his children also to become doctors, so as to continue the establishment. A chartered accountant running a successful firm would encourage his children to follow in his footsteps. This trend has caught on with the politicians and film stars as well, due to the attraction of money-power. In the public life of the politicians, it has paved the way for nepotism. This is an inherent lacuna in the system, for which religion is not responsible.
Take the case of the British King/ Monarch. None from outside the Royal family can become King/Queen, and hierarchy is also followed. This is also a kind of caste system, but it is continuing in the British Royal Family. The political Nehru family is also trying to do the same thing, making a mockery of democracy. Brahmins also followed the same system, but now there is a total change in their outlook after Independence. I do not find anybody raising these points to counter the malicious propaganda by the British/evangelists against Sanatana Dharma.
Similarly, the propagandists talk about Sati which was practiced only sporadically in some parts of north India about two centuries back. What was the origin of Sati? During the war with Muslim invaders, thousands of women became widows and some Hindus might have introduced this practice to save the chastity of Hindu widows from the Muslim marauders.. We should question them as to what they would have done in that condition to save the dignity of thousands of women? In this case also nobody is giving the number of cases The no. of Sati cases were few. Compare this with the atrocities by Christian missionaries against girls/women in the name of witch- hunt. The problem with majority of Hindus is that they just believe whatever the foreigners. Say without countering them. Of course there was no internet at that time to collect datas. Now things are different- we can counter them. With datas. I will be attaching a data sheet showing the number of people who suffered at the hands of the Christians, Marxists, Muslims and Americans in the 20th century. India does not figure on that list.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Research for resurgence -mukul K
Dear All,
Research is the real source of knowledge. Research is the prime means of Education. Research with a proper and noble purpose has always been and will continue to be the force behind all Human excellence and progress. This purpose needs to be refreshed from time o time. Commerce and warfare tend to grab precedence over all other Humane activities of life. This imbalance in preference and proportion of resource allocation to research results in disastrous consequences and periodically poses existential problems before the mankind. Hence there is always a need for course correction. Academic activity decides the course mankind will take in next few generations. Knowledge leads all other human endeavours.
In this era of resurgence Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal in collaboration with other five premier academic and research institutes of Nagpur invites you to participate in a historical Vidvat Sabha (Conglomoration of Wise).
Accompanied by a unique competition of research presentation either in text or a PPT or a Documentary or a poster or a Model -working or non working. The presentation has to be about research philosophy, practice or methodology in any of the 7 sub-themes covering almost all the areas of knowledge.
There are prizes worth Rs 100000 to be won. Hurry, registration is on. See the attached flyer for details. Visit
Research is the real source of knowledge. Research is the prime means of Education. Research with a proper and noble purpose has always been and will continue to be the force behind all Human excellence and progress. This purpose needs to be refreshed from time o time. Commerce and warfare tend to grab precedence over all other Humane activities of life. This imbalance in preference and proportion of resource allocation to research results in disastrous consequences and periodically poses existential problems before the mankind. Hence there is always a need for course correction. Academic activity decides the course mankind will take in next few generations. Knowledge leads all other human endeavours.
In this era of resurgence Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal in collaboration with other five premier academic and research institutes of Nagpur invites you to participate in a historical Vidvat Sabha (Conglomoration of Wise).
An International Conference on Research for Resurgence
12-13 February 2016, VNIT, Nagpur.
Accompanied by a unique competition of research presentation either in text or a PPT or a Documentary or a poster or a Model -working or non working. The presentation has to be about research philosophy, practice or methodology in any of the 7 sub-themes covering almost all the areas of knowledge.
There are prizes worth Rs 100000 to be won. Hurry, registration is on. See the attached flyer for details. Visit
http://conference.bsmbharat. org/
Very good tips, though most of these are applicable to inernational financing. But still we can use them in applying for funding for our projects also.
इस प्रारूप में शिक्षा का उद्देश्य व्यक्ति के मौलिक एवं शाश्वत विकास को केन्द्र में रखा गया है साथ ही 8 वर्षीय शिक्षा पर विशेष बल देते हुये व्यवहारिक ज्ञान देने की संस्तुति दी गयी है। 8 वर्ष के पश्चात छात्र को अपनी जीविका हेतु कौशल विकास करने के लिये प्रशिक्षण संस्थान में प्रवेश कराने पर बल दिया गया है। इसके पश्चात यदि वह छात्र पुनः उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करना चाहता है तो उसे एक सेतु पाठ्यक्रम के द्वारा उच्च शिक्षा में प्रवेश देने की व्यवस्था सुझाई गयी हैं। 4 वर्षीय विद्यालयीय शिक्षा को और व्यवहारिक बनाने पर जोर दिया गया है। विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षा पूर्ण स्वायत्त हो छात्रों को अधिक से अधिक अवसर उपल्बध हों, पुस्तकालयों प्रयोगशालाओं में वृद्धि हो, कार्यानुभव पर बल दिया जाये जिससे कार्यसंस्कृति को बढ़ावा मिले। श्रेणी सुधार की सुविधा देते हुये हर स्तर पर उपाधि की व्यवस्था की जाये। स्नाकोत्तर स्तर पर अनुसंधान एवं पत्र लेखन पर वरीयता दी जाने चाहिये।
व्यवसायिक शिक्षा में व्यवहारिक प्रवीणता पर बल देते हुये प्रत्येक छात्र को प्रतिदिन 2 घण्टे नियमित कार्य करना अनिवार्य हो। मुख्य प्रशिक्षण अनुभव से दिया जाना चाहिये, मूल्यांकन एवं परीक्षा पद्धति में व्यापक सुधार करते हुये कहा गया है कि कक्षा 1 व 2 में कोई परीक्षा नहीं 3 व 4 में मौखिक परीक्षा 5 व 6 में लिखित परीक्षा 7 व 8 में प्रायोगिक परीक्षा ली जाये, कक्षा 9 व 10 में आंतरिक मूल्यांकन मासिक परीक्षा व वार्षिक परीक्षा ली जाये। आतंरिक परीक्षा व मासिक परीक्षा में 40-60 का अनुपात रहे। आतंरिक मूल्यांकन का आधार कक्षाकार्य गृहकार्य व्यवहारिक ज्ञान व कार्यानुभव को बनाया जायें। उत्तीर्ण-अनुतीर्ण के संकेत समाप्त करके 50 प्रतिशत तक अंक पाने वाले को अगली कक्षा में प्रवेश दिया जाये, परीक्षाफल सुधार की सुविधा हो मूल्यांकन व परीक्षा पद्धति को क्रमशः लागू किया जाना चाहिये।
सम्पूर्ण शिक्षा तन्त्र के नियन्त्रण व निरीक्षण हेतु एक पूर्ण स्वायत्त आयोग बनाकर इसके नियमन का कार्य किया जाये, राज्य स्तर पर भी आयोग बनाकर उसकी इकाइयों की स्थापना सभी जिलों में की जाये। इस आयोग में 60 से 75 प्रतिशत सदस्य शिक्षा क्षेत्र से हों और 40 से 25 प्रतिशत सदस्य राजनैतिक प्रतिनिधि, समाजसेवी, शिक्षक संघ प्रतिनिधि, संस्था चालक प्रतिनिधि, शासन के प्रतिनिधि सम्मिलित हों। यह स्वायत्त आयोग पाठ्यक्रम, परीक्षा, शिक्षक कल्याण, नियुक्ति, समितियों का निर्माण तथा शिक्षण संस्थाओं के नियमों अधिनियमों का निर्माण संचालन करेगा।
उपरोक्त के अतिरिक्त इस प्रस्तावित प्रारूप में यह भी प्रावधान किया गया है कि प्रत्येक 4-5 वर्ष के पश्चात इस व्यवस्था के विषय में समाज से फीडबैक लेने हेतु सर्वेक्षण कार्य भी होना चाहिये, सर्वेक्षण के आधार पर प्राप्त सुझावों को क्रियान्वयन हेतु जोड़ते रहना चाहिये। यह प्रक्रिया क्रमशः चलाई जाये और इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाये कि शिक्षकों की सेवा पर इसका कोई प्रतिकूल प्रभाव न पड़े। तकनीक का प्रयोग करते हुये पारदर्शिता लाई जाये। यह बाते प्रास्तवित प्रारूप में विस्तार से दी गयी हैं, 6 जुलाई से 12 जुलाई तक सम्पूर्ण देश में व्यापक अभियान चलाकर इस प्रारूप पर प्रतिक्रिया व सुझााव लिये जायेंगे। आप सभी इसका हिस्सा बनकर इस अभियान में अपना सहयोग करें।
प्रेस वार्ता में राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष डा0 अंगद सिंह, राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त महामंत्री डा0 ओमप्रकाश सिंह, राष्ट्रीय महिला प्रमुख डा0 गीता मिश्र, कानपुर प्रान्त के मंत्री दिनेश पाठक, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता आदित्य शंकर बाजपेयी उपस्थित थे।
(डा0 गीता मिश्रा) संयोजक- 9415200636
Very good tips, though most of these are applicable to inernational financing. But still we can use them in applying for funding for our projects also.
कानपुर 30 जून । भारत सरकार की प्रस्तावित नवीन शिक्षा नीति के संदर्भ में आज भारतीय शिक्षण मण्डल के राष्ट्रीय सह संगठन मंत्री मुकुल कानिटकर ने आज बी. एन. एस. डी. शिक्षा निकेतन इण्टर कालेज में आयोजित प्रेस वार्ता में कहा कि आज भारत की शिक्षा व्यवस्था अनेक प्रकार के प्रश्नों के घेरे में खड़ी है हमारा युवक मंहगी से मंहगी शिक्षा प्राप्त करके भी हताशा निराशा और बेरोजगारी से त्रस्त हैं, यहां की शिक्षा जीवन मूल्यों से दूर हो चुकी है। भारतीय शिक्षण मण्डल भारतीय पुरूत्थान हेतु भारतीय जीवन मूल्यों स ेउपजी भारतीय ऐतिहासिक अनुभूति से उत्पन्न भारत हित के लिये शिक्षा व्यवस्था को विकसित करना चाहता हैं। इसके लिये संगठन ने विगत वर्षों में लगभग 4 हजार शिक्षाविदों शिक्षकों एवं समाजसेवियों को एक प्रश्नावली के माध्यम से उनके सुझावों को संकलित किया है। और उसे ‘‘भारतीय शिक्षण एक रूपरेखा’’ नाम की प्रस्तावित शिक्षा नीति का प्रारूप तैयार किया है, इस प्रारूप को पिछले 6 माह से सम्पूर्ण देश में शिक्षा से जुड़े लोगों से चर्चा हेतु प्रस्तुत किया गया है। इस ड्राफ्ट पर कार्यशालाओं, विचार-विमर्श गोष्ठियों का अभियान चल रहा है। इस प्रारूप में ही लोगों के सुझाव प्राप्त करने हेतु एक प्रश्नावली भी संलग्न की गयी है, जिसके द्वारा प्रबुद्ध वर्ग के अभिमत प्राप्त हो रहे हैं। देश भर से इस संदर्भ महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव प्राप्त हो रहे है। यह कार्य अभियान के रूप में चल रहा है। 6 जुलाई से 12 जुलाई तक सम्पूर्ण देश में इस प्रारूप पर अभिमत संग्रह करने का विशेष अभियान प्रस्तावित है, इस अभियान में लाखों की संख्या में अभिमत प्राप्त करने की योजना है फिर प्राप्त सुझावों के आधार पर एक परिपक्व शिक्षा नीति को तैयार करके केन्द्र सरकार व समस्त राज्य सरकारों के समक्ष क्रियान्वयन हेतु प्रस्तुत किया जायेगा। इस प्रारूप में शिक्षा का उद्देश्य व्यक्ति के मौलिक एवं शाश्वत विकास को केन्द्र में रखा गया है साथ ही 8 वर्षीय शिक्षा पर विशेष बल देते हुये व्यवहारिक ज्ञान देने की संस्तुति दी गयी है। 8 वर्ष के पश्चात छात्र को अपनी जीविका हेतु कौशल विकास करने के लिये प्रशिक्षण संस्थान में प्रवेश कराने पर बल दिया गया है। इसके पश्चात यदि वह छात्र पुनः उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त करना चाहता है तो उसे एक सेतु पाठ्यक्रम के द्वारा उच्च शिक्षा में प्रवेश देने की व्यवस्था सुझाई गयी हैं। 4 वर्षीय विद्यालयीय शिक्षा को और व्यवहारिक बनाने पर जोर दिया गया है। विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षा पूर्ण स्वायत्त हो छात्रों को अधिक से अधिक अवसर उपल्बध हों, पुस्तकालयों प्रयोगशालाओं में वृद्धि हो, कार्यानुभव पर बल दिया जाये जिससे कार्यसंस्कृति को बढ़ावा मिले। श्रेणी सुधार की सुविधा देते हुये हर स्तर पर उपाधि की व्यवस्था की जाये। स्नाकोत्तर स्तर पर अनुसंधान एवं पत्र लेखन पर वरीयता दी जाने चाहिये।
व्यवसायिक शिक्षा में व्यवहारिक प्रवीणता पर बल देते हुये प्रत्येक छात्र को प्रतिदिन 2 घण्टे नियमित कार्य करना अनिवार्य हो। मुख्य प्रशिक्षण अनुभव से दिया जाना चाहिये, मूल्यांकन एवं परीक्षा पद्धति में व्यापक सुधार करते हुये कहा गया है कि कक्षा 1 व 2 में कोई परीक्षा नहीं 3 व 4 में मौखिक परीक्षा 5 व 6 में लिखित परीक्षा 7 व 8 में प्रायोगिक परीक्षा ली जाये, कक्षा 9 व 10 में आंतरिक मूल्यांकन मासिक परीक्षा व वार्षिक परीक्षा ली जाये। आतंरिक परीक्षा व मासिक परीक्षा में 40-60 का अनुपात रहे। आतंरिक मूल्यांकन का आधार कक्षाकार्य गृहकार्य व्यवहारिक ज्ञान व कार्यानुभव को बनाया जायें। उत्तीर्ण-अनुतीर्ण के संकेत समाप्त करके 50 प्रतिशत तक अंक पाने वाले को अगली कक्षा में प्रवेश दिया जाये, परीक्षाफल सुधार की सुविधा हो मूल्यांकन व परीक्षा पद्धति को क्रमशः लागू किया जाना चाहिये।
सम्पूर्ण शिक्षा तन्त्र के नियन्त्रण व निरीक्षण हेतु एक पूर्ण स्वायत्त आयोग बनाकर इसके नियमन का कार्य किया जाये, राज्य स्तर पर भी आयोग बनाकर उसकी इकाइयों की स्थापना सभी जिलों में की जाये। इस आयोग में 60 से 75 प्रतिशत सदस्य शिक्षा क्षेत्र से हों और 40 से 25 प्रतिशत सदस्य राजनैतिक प्रतिनिधि, समाजसेवी, शिक्षक संघ प्रतिनिधि, संस्था चालक प्रतिनिधि, शासन के प्रतिनिधि सम्मिलित हों। यह स्वायत्त आयोग पाठ्यक्रम, परीक्षा, शिक्षक कल्याण, नियुक्ति, समितियों का निर्माण तथा शिक्षण संस्थाओं के नियमों अधिनियमों का निर्माण संचालन करेगा।
उपरोक्त के अतिरिक्त इस प्रस्तावित प्रारूप में यह भी प्रावधान किया गया है कि प्रत्येक 4-5 वर्ष के पश्चात इस व्यवस्था के विषय में समाज से फीडबैक लेने हेतु सर्वेक्षण कार्य भी होना चाहिये, सर्वेक्षण के आधार पर प्राप्त सुझावों को क्रियान्वयन हेतु जोड़ते रहना चाहिये। यह प्रक्रिया क्रमशः चलाई जाये और इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाये कि शिक्षकों की सेवा पर इसका कोई प्रतिकूल प्रभाव न पड़े। तकनीक का प्रयोग करते हुये पारदर्शिता लाई जाये। यह बाते प्रास्तवित प्रारूप में विस्तार से दी गयी हैं, 6 जुलाई से 12 जुलाई तक सम्पूर्ण देश में व्यापक अभियान चलाकर इस प्रारूप पर प्रतिक्रिया व सुझााव लिये जायेंगे। आप सभी इसका हिस्सा बनकर इस अभियान में अपना सहयोग करें।
प्रेस वार्ता में राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष डा0 अंगद सिंह, राष्ट्रीय संयुक्त महामंत्री डा0 ओमप्रकाश सिंह, राष्ट्रीय महिला प्रमुख डा0 गीता मिश्र, कानपुर प्रान्त के मंत्री दिनेश पाठक, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता आदित्य शंकर बाजपेयी उपस्थित थे।
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Dear friends,
We are delighted to announce about the ‘National Conference-Pramarjan’ to be organized by JG Group of Education Colleges and Educational Researchers' Association-ERA on 24-25 Jan, 2016 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of our ASIA Charitable Trust.
Please find the E-Pramarjan brochure and registerationdetails on, CONFERENCE PRAMARJAN.
Further, please use the following URL link for filling up the e-registration form.http://www.jgcolleges. org/office_registration.php
We invite your participation for the conference and also expect your motivation to your faculty members to
participate for the same. Participation from your side will certainly add valuable inputs to the Conference theme.
Let’s join hands to unsoil the tribulations in education field and bring out the innovativeness lying within us…….
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Aj itsinh Rana, R.B.SagarCollege of Education, ERA
Cell: +91 99045 30030 | Email: arjun68@gmail. com
Conference Coordinator: Prin. Sonal Thareja, Offg.Principal, JG College of Education (Eng.Med.)
Cell: + 91 98247 22899 | Email:principaljgcolle
We are delighted to announce about the ‘National Conference-Pramarjan’ to be organized by JG Group of Education Colleges and Educational Researchers' Association-ERA on 24-25 Jan, 2016 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of our ASIA Charitable Trust.
Please find the E-Pramarjan brochure and registerationdetails on, CONFERENCE PRAMARJAN.
Further, please use the following URL link for filling up the e-registration form.http://www.jgcolleges.
We invite your participation for the conference and also expect your motivation to your faculty members to
participate for the same. Participation from your side will certainly add valuable inputs to the Conference theme.
Let’s join hands to unsoil the tribulations in education field and bring out the innovativeness lying within us…….
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Aj
Cell: +91 99045 30030 | Email: arjun68@gmail.
Conference Coordinator: Prin.
Cell: + 91 98247 22899 | Email:principaljgcolle
| ||||
सर्वप्रथम अभिनंदन -- हा आपव्या देशांत अत्यंत दुर्लक्षित राहिलेला विषय हाती घेतल्याबद्दल. पण......
हा ही एक उत्सवच रहाणार की मागील इतिहीसाचे भान ठेवत भविष्याचा वेध घेऊ शकणार -- आऱंभशूरता ठरणार की चिरंतनतेच्या दिशेने काही समर्थ पावली टाकणारी योजना यातून निघणार, हे प्रश्नचिह्न अधिकच मोठे मोठे होत आहे. दुसरेही मोठे प्रश्नचिह्न मांडत आहे -- राग नसावा -- या कार्यक्रमातून 1000 वर्षांपूर्वी आम्ही किती मोठे होतो यावरच आधारित पेपर्स वाचले जाणार की आज आपण जगाच्या तुलनेत किती मागे आहोत त्यावरही पेपर वाचला जाऊन आपल्याकडील आज असलेल्या सुविधांचा व पूर्वसंचित ज्ञानाचा एकत्रित वापर करून निकट भविष्यात काय शोध केला जाऊ शकतो यावरही चर्चा मसलत होणार--
म्हणून एक सुचवत आहे की बरीच पूर्वतयारी तुम्ही करत असणार त्यातील प्रायोरिटी क्रमांक 1 वर एक काम करा -- महाराष्ट्रातील 2 (पैकी 1 नागपूर व्हीएनआयटी, व देशातील अन्य 3) अशा 5 युनि, मधे स्नातकोत्तर 2-2 जणांची एक टीम या प्रमाणे 10 विद्यार्थ्यांना कामाला लावून गेल्या वीस वर्षात देशांत जे काही रिसर्च झाले त्याची सूची व विषयवार सूची बनविण्याचे काम हाती घ्या. ते लगोलग एका वेबसाईटवर टाकत चला. दोन शोधक प्राचार्यांना या सूचीवर आधारित प्रेझेंटेशन करण्यास सांगा -- कार्यक्रमाचा किक-स्टार्ट त्यातून होऊ दे.
दोन्ही मुद्द्यांवर ठोस कार्यक्रमासाठी विद्यार्थ्यांना, शोधसंस्थांना संकल्पना व मार्गदर्शन मी करू शकेन, मात्र - या, एखादा पेपर वाचा - यात मला आता स्वारस्य नाही.
या संदर्भात मागे मी एका कॉलेजला सुचवून त्यांनी विद्यार्थ्यांतर्फे सर्व्हे-कम- फाइंडिंग असा एक उपक्रम हाती घेतला होता तसे हजारो छोटे छोटे प्रकल्प आजही नितांत आवश्यक आहेतच. पण मोठ्या संकल्पनाही आवश्यक आहेत -- उदा - भारतातील एखादी मोठी शोधसंस्था संस्कृत व्याकरण-आधारित आज्ञावली रचून त्या आधारे वाचिक कमांडवर चालणारे संगणक बनवण्याचा शोध प्रकल्प घेऊ शकते का
असो. विषय खूप मोठा आहे -- आशा सुटेना- देव भेटेना अशी आपली अवस्था आहे.
योग्य वाटल्यास फोन अथवा ईमेल करालच (मी सध्या अमेरिकेत आहे 10 . फोन नं +16692245385)
From Nagpur RSS national Headquarters
We express our Sranddhanjali to respected Sri Upendra Shenoyji. He was our Senior Pracharak symbol of simplicity and dedication.
He was original thinker in Reviving Bharateeya values specially in Gram vikas Agriculture and Education.
An voracious Reader thinker and good friend of all.
He was an expert in Homoeopathy in Integral approach in Medical field.
We lost a great personality Guide and Philosopher specially for Karnataka.
With folded hands with tears and bowing my head before that great Soul I pay my sraddhanjali at his feet.
I pray god to give him Sadgati and Courage to all of us to bear this agony.
My pranams to his Fanily members and to all swayamsevaks.
I can understand the feelings and grief of Rashtrotthana karyakartas. I appeal to all those karyakartas to be courageous and i feel Sri Upendrajs Atma will guide us in rebuilding our society on Original Bharateeya values.
We express our Sranddhanjali to respected Sri Upendra Shenoyji. He was our Senior Pracharak symbol of simplicity and dedication.
He was original thinker in Reviving Bharateeya values specially in Gram vikas Agriculture and Education.
An voracious Reader thinker and good friend of all.
He was an expert in Homoeopathy in Integral approach in Medical field.
We lost a great personality Guide and Philosopher specially for Karnataka.
With folded hands with tears and bowing my head before that great Soul I pay my sraddhanjali at his feet.
I pray god to give him Sadgati and Courage to all of us to bear this agony.
My pranams to his Fanily members and to all swayamsevaks.
I can understand the feelings and grief of Rashtrotthana karyakartas. I appeal to all those karyakartas to be courageous and i feel Sri Upendrajs Atma will guide us in rebuilding our society on Original Bharateeya values.
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Rajendraji, this is the saddest news in last several months. I met dr Shenoy about 2 months back in banglore. He was black with dialysis but his brain was alert and he was still talking about a patient like him not getting advantage of all therapies because doctors are so compartmentalised.
He was a great thinker on the subject of education and I consider it lucky that I was able to discuss my ideas on education with him. His sad demise is a personal loss to me as a good soul, a wellwisher and a well-read person like him was always available for discussing new ideas.
May god grant SAdgati to his Atman
--Leena Mehendale
He was a great thinker on the subject of education and I consider it lucky that I was able to discuss my ideas on education with him. His sad demise is a personal loss to me as a good soul, a wellwisher and a well-read person like him was always available for discussing new ideas.
May god grant SAdgati to his Atman
--Leena Mehendale
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Please find attached invitation for the SZVCC-2015 to be held at VIT University, Vellore on January 3rd and 4th , 2015. Kindly acknowledge the same at the earliest.
Thanks and regards
Muralidhar L B
Research Scholar,Canara Bank School of Management Studies
Bangalore University
Manyavar Mahoday,
Namaskar !
It gives me great pleasure on behalf of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal to invite you to "International Conference - Research For Resurgence" - to be held from 11th to 13th February 2016 at Vishvesvaraiya National Institute of Technology Nagpur.
Please find below the details of the conference:
Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal(BSM) started its work in the educational sector in 1969 with a view of evolving an indigenous system of education. Shikshan Mandal is working in 28 states and 268 districts of Bharat .The mission of imbuing national education with ‘Bharatiyata’ for national regeneration is – Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal!. Respect of the diversity and recognition & acceptance of the inherent oneness in the universe are the foundational principles of Bharatityata. An education based on these principles aims at creation of a national character. The main motive of Shikshan Mandal is formulation of an education system based on time tested traditions and values of the land. An education that imparts holistic knowledge. Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal has developed a five-dimensional agenda for this purpose -- Research, Awareness, Orientation, Publication, and Organisation to support all these. The aim is to enable society to rediscover the Bharatiya way of life and therefore recreate Indigenous Model of education. (Pl for details)
The present scenario about Research and its applicability has unhappy face and needs rethinking in several aspects. Think tank at BSM has initiated a discourse for solution of the issue and planned International conference on “Research for Resurgence” scheduled on 11-13 February 2016 at VNIT Nagpur, in collaboration with all the leading institutes of academic excellence in Vidarbha region - Vishvesvaraiya National Institute of Technology Nagpur (VNIT), National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI). Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (PDKV), Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek (KKSU), Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati (SGBU). The conference will serve as a platform for active interaction between policy makers, executors, true mind-set researchers and representatives from the corporate houses.
Eminent Personalities who have confirmed their availability for the Conference:
1. Dr V K Saraswat Ji - Permanent Member Niti Aayog,Recipient of Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri.Ex Director General of DRDO.
2. Dr Madhavan Nair, Former Director ISRO
3. Guna Magesan Ji - Senior Scientist from New Zealand.Named amongst top 100 Indians in the world by Indian Magazine along with Sonal Shah(American Economist and Advisor to Barack Obama),Sunita Williams(Astronaut),Dr. Deepak Chopra,Jhumpa Lehri,Sir Anand Satyanand(Governor General of New Zealand).
4. Dr Anil Sahasrabuddhe, Chairman - All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE)
5. Dr D P Singh, Director - National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
6. G. S. Gurumurthy Ji- Renowned economist and corporate advisor.7. Almost 40 Vice-Chancellors
8. Hon. HRD Minister Smriti Irani Ji
9. Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis Ji
10. Hon. Governor of Maharashtra
11.Education Ministers from different states.
Few of the names expected from abroad are:
1. Advisor to Malaysian Prime Minister
2. Advisor to Prime Minister of UK
3. Rajeev Bajpai - WPG C&C Computer and Peripheral. WPG Holdings is No.1 Global Semiconductor Distributor and the largest electronics distributor in Asia, headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan. WPG Holdings operating through four leading semiconductor components distributors serves as a franchise partner for nearly 250 world-wide suppliers.
4. Manjul Bhargava : A Canadian-American mathematician, Bhargava was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014. According to the International Mathematical Union citation, he was awarded the prize "for developing powerful new methods in the geometry of numbers, which he applied to count rings of small rank and to bound the average rank of elliptic curves.
5. Amit Goyal : He has recently joined University of Buffalo as Director for RENEW Institute. He has developed clean energy technologies for more than two decades. He is known for his research in the area of large-area, low-cost, high performance, “flexible electronic” devices, including superconducting devices, photovoltaic, ferro-electrics, multiferroics, etc., as well as in 3D self-assembly of nanodots and nanorods for device applications. Prior to joining UB, he was a corporate fellow, distinguished inventor and distinguished scientist at UT-Battelle/Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
6. Satish Kulkarni Ji - He was the Counselor for Science, Technology, Environment and Health Affairs at the Embassy of the United States of America in New Delhi, India with the Department of State.(Advisor to Bill Clinton - then President of USA)
He is now Director of Energy Initiatives, Office of VP of Research,Research Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics - Virginia Tech University.
7. Padmabhushan Arun Netravati - Ninth President of Bell Laboratories, Has 70 patents to his name, Was Chief Technology Officer of Lucent, Has written 170 technical papers, Was a Professor at MIT USA.
Attached herewith:
1. Brochure for the conference
Your presence and guidance will be very valuable in this movement of resurgence in research for National Mission. Please block the dates 11-13 Feb 2016 in your calender and oblige.
It gives me great pleasure on behalf of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal to invite you to "International Conference - Research For Resurgence" - to be held from 11th to 13th February 2016 at Vishvesvaraiya National Institute of Technology Nagpur.
Please find below the details of the conference:
Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal(BSM) started its work in the educational sector in 1969 with a view of evolving an indigenous system of education. Shikshan Mandal is working in 28 states and 268 districts of Bharat .The mission of imbuing national education with ‘Bharatiyata’ for national regeneration is – Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal!. Respect of the diversity and recognition & acceptance of the inherent oneness in the universe are the foundational principles of Bharatityata. An education based on these principles aims at creation of a national character. The main motive of Shikshan Mandal is formulation of an education system based on time tested traditions and values of the land. An education that imparts holistic knowledge. Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal has developed a five-dimensional agenda for this purpose -- Research, Awareness, Orientation, Publication, and Organisation to support all these. The aim is to enable society to rediscover the Bharatiya way of life and therefore recreate Indigenous Model of education. (Pl for details)
The present scenario about Research and its applicability has unhappy face and needs rethinking in several aspects. Think tank at BSM has initiated a discourse for solution of the issue and planned International conference on “Research for Resurgence” scheduled on 11-13 February 2016 at VNIT Nagpur, in collaboration with all the leading institutes of academic excellence in Vidarbha region - Vishvesvaraiya National Institute of Technology Nagpur (VNIT), National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI). Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (PDKV), Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek (KKSU), Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Amravati (SGBU). The conference will serve as a platform for active interaction between policy makers, executors, true mind-set researchers and representatives from the corporate houses.
Eminent Personalities who have confirmed their availability for the Conference:
1. Dr V K Saraswat Ji - Permanent Member Niti Aayog,Recipient of Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri.Ex Director General of DRDO.
2. Dr Madhavan Nair, Former Director ISRO
3. Guna Magesan Ji - Senior Scientist from New Zealand.Named amongst top 100 Indians in the world by Indian Magazine along with Sonal Shah(American Economist and Advisor to Barack Obama),Sunita Williams(Astronaut),Dr. Deepak Chopra,Jhumpa Lehri,Sir Anand Satyanand(Governor General of New Zealand).
4. Dr Anil Sahasrabuddhe, Chairman - All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE)
5. Dr D P Singh, Director - National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
6. G. S. Gurumurthy Ji- Renowned economist and corporate advisor.7. Almost 40 Vice-Chancellors
8. Hon. HRD Minister Smriti Irani Ji
9. Hon. Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis Ji
10. Hon. Governor of Maharashtra
11.Education Ministers from different states.
Few of the names expected from abroad are:
1. Advisor to Malaysian Prime Minister
2. Advisor to Prime Minister of UK
3. Rajeev Bajpai - WPG C&C Computer and Peripheral. WPG Holdings is No.1 Global Semiconductor Distributor and the largest electronics distributor in Asia, headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan. WPG Holdings operating through four leading semiconductor components distributors serves as a franchise partner for nearly 250 world-wide suppliers.
4. Manjul Bhargava : A Canadian-American mathematician, Bhargava was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014. According to the International Mathematical Union citation, he was awarded the prize "for developing powerful new methods in the geometry of numbers, which he applied to count rings of small rank and to bound the average rank of elliptic curves.
5. Amit Goyal : He has recently joined University of Buffalo as Director for RENEW Institute. He has developed clean energy technologies for more than two decades. He is known for his research in the area of large-area, low-cost, high performance, “flexible electronic” devices, including superconducting devices, photovoltaic, ferro-electrics, multiferroics, etc., as well as in 3D self-assembly of nanodots and nanorods for device applications. Prior to joining UB, he was a corporate fellow, distinguished inventor and distinguished scientist at UT-Battelle/Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
6. Satish Kulkarni Ji - He was the Counselor for Science, Technology, Environment and Health Affairs at the Embassy of the United States of America in New Delhi, India with the Department of State.(Advisor to Bill Clinton - then President of USA)
He is now Director of Energy Initiatives, Office of VP of Research,Research Professor, Engineering Science and Mechanics - Virginia Tech University.
7. Padmabhushan Arun Netravati - Ninth President of Bell Laboratories, Has 70 patents to his name, Was Chief Technology Officer of Lucent, Has written 170 technical papers, Was a Professor at MIT USA.
Attached herewith:
1. Brochure for the conference
Your presence and guidance will be very valuable in this movement of resurgence in research for National Mission. Please block the dates 11-13 Feb 2016 in your calender and oblige.
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