Thursday, November 17, 2016

इस आत्मघाती शिक्षापद्धतिको बदलें।

Nationalize self-alienating education system in India
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016, <> wrote:
Even if it is taking time, to 'nationalize' self-alienating education system in India inherited from Macaulay, reinforced by hired Marxist distorians should be done as a priority.  Meanwhile on our own every one of us should educate ourselves regardless of age of the individual. Thanks to internet, facilities are available at our finger tips.
Many of us naturally are very concerned about rising tide of Islamic terrorism both in India and abroad, you might have seen recent report of Moslem mobs dancing after Puttugam blasts which killed hundreds of Hindus. For all we know or don't know the explosion could very well be work of Hinduphobes. The point is the Moslems of India were once Hindus, even as Moslems lived with Hindus for centuries, and they were even welcomed as sons in law-Mapillai or Moplahs in Kerala. Yet why the glee at Hindu torment? Why there should be 'Kashmir problem'?  This is clearly due to lack of proper education.  Every body should be Indian first and what ever else, say a Muslim next.
Swami Ramathirtha went to Japan more than a century back. Buddhism was prevalent there. And Sakya munit was held in high esteem and reverence. He met an young man and asked him , what will he do if Sakya muni comes with an army to invade Japan ? The Japanese youth replied, he will break legs of Sakya Muni!  Japan first and what ever else is next. 
And if we advocate similar philosophy of love and affection to fellow countrymen and  to motherland, Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargadapi Gariyasi, immediately shibboleths like 'communal' or 'saffronization' are hurled. It is high time such ilk which produced turmoil in JNU or NIT are put in place and have India march ahead without wasting time to make up lost time due to such anti-national elements masquerading as progressives, liberals and what not. 
 Education system prevented us thus to have world view besides mindset to judge events from our perspective.  Still it is very fashionable to base our views and expressions from point of view of Westerners. Nothing wrong in it per se, but then if we lose our bearings in the process , then we and India will remain as peddlers of second hand goods.
As you know Hinduism is blessed with great deal of original thoughts that are aimed, to truly uplift the world, not just to serve civilization but to make man divine. Instead of reading current events from perspective of a Marx or Hegel,
what prevents us to assess from point of view of Valmiki Ramayana?
  Please note despite all the loud noises made in favor of egalitarianism, liberty and freedom both French and Russian revolutions resulted in loss of those very things for hundreds of thousands of their country men. In fact whether it was Jihads, coming from no-caste peace loving theology or colonialism that arose out of similar category, both have inflicted enormous suffering on perfectly healthy, normal and prosperous people, countries like India, continents like Africa and Asia in general. Thus these man eating man philosophies, the politics based on hypocrisy, against loudly proclaimed 'liberte, egalite, fraternite' but not reflected in action, cannot be equated with our noble ideas that are reflected very much in practice at one time be it was by a king or a commoner for millenniums in India, where not even one Gulag existed nor any genocide was committed. 
Hence in order to deride and berate and drag down India, the distorians had to resort to negationism of any noble history or any such past for India or Hindu civilization. In fact as you know some such ilk do not even consider India was ever a nation.
Right vs wrong, Dharma vs Adharma - we can easily judge if we become familiar with our own predecessors, say how Rama reacted for instance when he faced challenges or what Krishna has advocated or would suggest at any given situation.  Let us hence start unlearning what has been taught, and learn from our own sources. Long before there were any nations in Europe like Germany, England or France, individuals and institutions along with learning centers from Gurukuls to world class Universities flourished in India, in turn bringing out a prosperous, healthy and happy society. We can achieve that state and status again.  
G V Chelvapilla

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